Ministries & Missions
At Fairview United Methodist Church we offer a variety of opportunities for small groups to come together and draw closer to each other and to God! We also have a church library with an abundance of materials for spiritual growth and leisure reading (see media services at bottom of page).
Worship & Music:
Praise Team - Our praise band consists of guitars, drums, keyboards and vocals. We practice on Monday evenings at 7:00pm. If you are interested in joining the Praise Team, please contact the church office for more information.
Sunday Family Education:
Adults - Several adult classes meet at the church at 9:00am on Sundays Each group has a unique focus that is relevant to its members.
Children and Youth - Children and Youth classes have moved online for the balance of 2020. A Zoom conference is held Sunday mornings where everyone can be together and hear the general lesson for the week. Age-based curriculum is then available for the students to work on afterwards.
Contact the church office for more information.
Children and Youth - Children and Youth classes have moved online for the balance of 2020. A Zoom conference is held Sunday mornings where everyone can be together and hear the general lesson for the week. Age-based curriculum is then available for the students to work on afterwards.
Contact the church office for more information.
United Methodist Women:

Our United Methodist Women holds quarterly meetings to plan and promote activities and events to support the church and its missions. There is also a sub-group called the Mary Martha Circle, which usually meets once a month for Bible Study, fellowship and discussion. If you're interested, please contact the church office.
Small Groups:

Our church has several small groups that meet weekly or monthly, depending on what works best for the members. These groups gather to pray for and support one another through our walks of faith. If you're interested in joining a small group, please contact the church office at (814) 474-3612.

UMCOR comes alongside those who suffer from natural or human-caused disasters - be it famine, hurricane, war, flood, fire or other events—to alleviate suffering and to be a source of help and hope for those left most vulnerable. FUMC supports UMCOR through general special offerings and making Hygiene kits to send to needy areas.

Erie United Methodist AllianceEUMA is changing the lives of those impacted by homelessness and poverty.
EUMA offers emergency, transitional and seasonal shelters; permanent housing program; medical outreach; and other poverty-assistance services - your EUMA is moving families, Veterans, youth, and others from homelessness to HOME, hopelessness to HOPE. FUMC provides extended support to the Refuge which provides emergency family sheltering.